Conserved elements ////////////////// * 'gerpElements_hg38_multiz120Mammals.bed.gz': conserved elements based on GERP++ * 'phastConsElements_hg38_multiz120Mammals.bed.gz': conserved elements based on PhastCons Conserved 10mers in FANTOM enhancers //////////////////////////////////// The most conserved 10mer in each robust human FANTOM enhancer was checked for sequence identity in half of the species of each major mammalian clade. Provided are coordinates of the 10mers (column 1-3) and the enhancers (column4); following this definition: * 'hg38_conserved10mer_mammal_FANTOMenhancer.bed.gz': conserved 10mers across all mammals * 'hg38_conserved10mer_placentalMammal_FANTOMenhancer.bed.gz': conserved 10mers across placental mammals but not aligned for marsupials or platypus