# unpack tar xvfz simulatedData.tar.gz cd simulatedData # all tests done with # R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) # code: ForwardGenomics/ # directory percentID/ contains the global and local %id data # directory phylogenies/ contains the phylogenetic trees # create the jobs for the neutrally evolving elements. They will run very quickly # the output will be in the dir: FGoutput/ ./createJobs_neut.sh FGoutput/ phylogenies/tree_ancestor.nh > jobListNeutral # create the jobs for the elements under selection (negatives). This will require a cluster run. ./createJobs_sel.sh FGoutput/ phylogenies/tree_ancestor.nh > jobListSelection # execute each job in both jobLists # now merge the CDS and CNE output ./mergeFGoutput.sh FGoutput/neutral/ # merge the chunks of elements under selection ./mergeFGoutput.sh FGoutput/selection/ # the result is a file called FGout.all.txt in each directory # get sensitity at 90% precision and plot # this directory will contain a file listing the data files for each scenario and which methods to compare mkdir listMethods getResults.sh FGoutput/ results/ > jobListResults # execute each job in this jobList # get the results as a table # first we need to replace perfect match by perfectmatch, otherwise the R script cannot parse it correctly find results -name "*dat" | xargs -i sh -c "sed 's/Branch method/Branchmethod/g' {} > {}1" find results -name "*dat1" | xargs -i sh -c "sed 's/Perfect match/Perfectmatch/g' -i {}" find results/loss* -name "*dat1" | xargs -i outputSensPrecScenario.perl {} | sort -k1,1g > results.txt # plot the sensitivity at 90% precision (Fig 3A) plotPerf.R results/ plot.sensAt90.eps