Data for the manuscript "RepeatFiller newly identifies megabases of aligning repetitive sequences and improves annotations of conserved non-exonic elements" by Osipova, Hecker, and Hiller 2019. The directory contains - mulipleAliWithRepeatFiller.maf.gz multiple alignment of human and 20 other mammals, applying RepeatFiller to the alignment chains - mulipleAliWithoutRepeatFiller.maf.gz multiple alignment of human and 20 other mammals, WITHOUT applying RepeatFiller to the alignment chains - PhastConsConservedElements.withRepeatFiller.bed.gz PhastCons conserved elements detected in the alignment generated with RepeatFiller - PhastConsConservedElements.withoutRepeatFiller.bed.gz PhastCons conserved elements detected in the alignment generated WITHOUT RepeatFiller - tree.mod phylogenetic tree of the 21 mammals with branch lengths representing substitutions per neutral site