Comparative genome data for the manuscript "The genome of the tegu lizard Salvator merianae: combining Illumina, PacBio, and optical mapping data to generate a highly contiguous assembly" by Roscito et al. 2018. The directory contains - tegu.HLtupMer6.2bit Tegu v2 assembly in 2bit format - tegu.HLtupMer6.fasta.gz Tegu v2 assembly in fasta format - tegu.HLtupMer3.2bit Tegu v1 assembly in 2bit format - tegu.HLtupMer3.fasta.gz Tegu v1 assembly in fasta format - multiz_17way.maf.gz Multiple alignment of 17 amniote species, with tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) as reference. - tree.mod Phylogenetic tree with neutral branch lengths. - tegu.GERPElements.bed Conserved elemented determined by GERP, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.PhastConsElements.bed Conserved elements determined by PhastCons, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.conservedElements.bed Conserved elements after merging PhastCons and GERP elements, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.CNEs.bed Conserved non-exonic elements (no overlap with exons of annotated genes), in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.CNEs.reptileSpecific.bed CNEs that are reptile-specific, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.CNEs.reptileSpecific.transposonDerived.bed CNEs that are reptile-specific and overlap transposons, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - Gene annotation, genePred format, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.genes.gff3 Gene annotation, gff3 format, in tegu assembly v2 (HLtupMer6) coordinates - tegu.genes.proteins.fasta Protein sequences - tegu.genes.transcripts.fasta cDNA sequences - UCEs.fasta 197 non-exonic Ultra-Conserved Elements, used to assess assembly completeness - CNEs.fasta 493 deeply-conserved non-exonic elements, used to assess assembly completeness - opticalMap_thinkmate.tgz Optical map data - assemblyHub Directory containing all files for UCSC assembly hub The assemblies included in the multiple alignment are: HLtupMer6 Tegu anoCar2 Green_anole_lizard HLpogVit2 Dragon_lizard HLophGra1 Asian_glass_lizard HLvipBer1 Common_viper HLproMuc1 Brown_spotted_pitviper HLthaSir1 Common_garter_snake boaCon1 Boa_constrictor pytBiv1 Burmese_python HLgekJap1 Schlegels_japanese_gecko galGal5 Chicken melUnd1 Budgerigar allMis1 Alligator cheMyd1 Green_seaturtle pelSin1 Chinese_softshell_turtle hg38 Human mm10 Mouse